Chapter 15: Rulebook on the manner of conducting the energy audit of buildings

At the second workshop dedicated to the certification of the energy performances of buildings, the provisions of by-law drafted with the support of the PLAC III project - Rulebook on the manner of conducting an energy audit for the certification of the energy performances of buildings - were presented.

On 7 February 2024, at a workshop held in Belgrade, Maja Petković and Jelena Vukanović from the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure presented the objectives and activities in the field of conducting energy inspections (audits) of buildings with the aim of certifying the energy performances of buildings.

Project experts Marija Vujadinović and Marija Bajc presented in detail the proposal of the Rulebook, which is harmonised with the relevant Union acquis - the amended Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings 2010/31/EU (EBPD, recast). The draft Rulebook applies to new buildings, existing buildings on which reconstruction, adaptation or energy rehabilitation works are being carried out, and existing buildings on which works are being carried out and for which there is an obligation to certify. The objectives of the rulebook are to determine the energy performances of the building and their compliance with the prescribed requirements, to identify measures to increase energy efficiency in existing buildings, and to produce a report that is the basis for issuing a certificate.

The investor, the owner of the building or part of the building is obliged to submit data on the consumption of all forms of energy and water in the building for the period of the previous three calendar years.

The Rulebook prescribes the manner of implementation and activities within the framework of the energy audit, as well as what the report on the conducted energy audit should contain. Expert Tamara Bajc presented the methodology of implementing the energy audit of buildings.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09